You can make an online donation via the link:
Choosing to Give
Our parish is funded by your donations. It receives no subsidy for its operations. Therefore, its financial resource is solely the voluntary contributions of the faithful and those who wish to support it.
The donations collected enable the Church to fulfill its mission of proclaiming the Gospel, providing guidance to those who seek it on the path of faith (baptism, marriage, burial...) or in their spiritual life.
Our Church is available to everyone, without distinction, and at all stages of life. It relies on all those who serve in its ministry (pastors, preachers, presbyter advisers...) as well as the commitment of numerous volunteers to ensure its mission in the service of all. The proclamation of the Gospel can materialize in various projects, often calling for the generosity of everyone.
Your donations will be used to cover the Church's ordinary, day-to-day expenses, as well as specific expenses in the areas of youth, catechesis and the parish newsletter, and to finance projects decided by the Church (major building work, maintenance, investment and IT equipment, etc.). Every donation counts, no matter how small. Everyone is invited to give according to their heart for the life of the Church.
You can make a donation
either by sending us a cheque
or by making a transfer via the UEPAL website (see above)
Bequests and Donations
Bequests and donations also support our Church in fulfilling its missions. The donor thus expresses their commitment to the Church within a legal framework that secures this act of solidarity. Giving is a commitment filled with meaning and responsibility.
In this year 2024, we need you, thank you for your support.